What is Activitylist?

Activitylist is the longest list of leisure activities online. The list can be filtered and users can add more activities and organize activities in lists. Users can also rate activities, and explore common activities with other users.

Is Activitylist free?

Yes Activitylist is free for all users.

What’s the goal of Activitylist?

Activitylist has the goal to help user to explore, organize and plan leisure activities, to help them experiencing more fun activities.

Who is Activitylist made for?

Activitylist features already more than 2.000 activities and is constantly growing. The broad range of activities features activities for all kind of people.

What are the benefits of signing up for Activitylist?

Some features like ratings and adding activities to lists, require users to be logged in. Logged in users also get a profile and enjoy a personalized sorting of the leisure activities.